Saturday, June 10, 2006

A wonderful book

I have just dicovered a wonderful little book called The Earnest Communicant - A Course of preparation for the Lord's Supper. The book was written by the Right Reverend Aston Oxenden, once Bishop of Montreal. My small leather-bound copy was published in 1896 but the book was originally published in 1866 ( i.e. 140 years ago) The Right Rev gives advice on how to spiritually prepare for Holy Communion. He gives daily examples of prayers and meditations. Here is the an example.
O MY GOD I desire now to approach thee: do Thou grant me Thy presence and blessing. Strengthen my faith. Thou knowest how miserably weak it is. Oh, take away the evil heart of disbelief, and give me a believing, loving heart.

There is a lot more but I can't type it all. Needless to say, I am very pleased to have found this book. It is small so I can carry it with me and read it at odd moments. Bye for now.

God Bless - N

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