Sunday, June 18, 2006

God is good!

You know, the Lord really is good. When I pray and ask Him for help he never lets me down. Recently I have been going through a troubled time. I have stresses at work that sometimes make me resentful of my employers - especially my manager. Recently, as I have been walking to work, I have felt hate and anger welling up inside me. This makes me feel bad and I get angrier and angrier as I walk. I begin to visualise myself confronting my manager and verbally abusing him or humiliating him in front of others.

Before long I realised that these feelings are caused by the devil finding a new way to tempt me to sin. Straight away I prayed (as I walked along the road) ...
Oh Lord please help me to avoid this temptation to the sin of Anger,
Give me the strength to ignore the devil's tempting,
Fill my heart with love for the brothers that I have deemed enemies,
I ask this in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ.

And although it took a moment my anger started to recede! It eventually did and I walked along with a lighter heart - Praise the Lord!!


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