Monday, March 19, 2007

Blessed is the lion which becomes man

I have just been reading about the gospel of Thomas. This is a gospel that did not make it into the New Testament but is believed to have been written in the first century. The gospel of Thomas is not a narrative gospel (like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) but a 'sayings' gospel. It is thought to contain the sayings of Jesus as collected by the apostle Thomas. There are 114 verses (sayings) in all. Some of these have obvious parallels in the NT but others are more esoteric. One that paticularly interest me is verse 7.
Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man

The meaning of this is open to interpretation but I believe the Lion represents 'The World'. So the meaning is something like:- A man can make the ungodly world holy by being holy, but if the ungodly world seduces the man, the man becomes ungodly. Something worth considering as the seductions of the world seem to increase.

God Bless - N

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