Thursday, January 25, 2007

The establishment of Christian behaviour

It occurs to me that the one of the best ways to develop a really Christian life is to hold your faith in your mind as much as possible. I have recently read Way of a Pilgrim by Walter J. Ciszek (Foreword), Helen Bacovcin (Translator) This is an old Russian book that tells the story of an honest poor pilgrim who travels about the countryside looking for a way of including the Jesus Payer into his life. The Jesus Prayer ..
Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of God,
have mercy on me,
a sinner.

The pilgrim seeks to make the Jesus Prayer part of his daily life by repeating it over and over again, as often as he could. At first he mumbled it and then only said it in his head, like a Hindu mantra. I have decided that I shall try this approach and see what happens. I shall Post again in a month or so and let you know what happens - N

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