Monday, April 24, 2006

Justified by Faith vs Good Works

Why does there have to be a conflict between the two? It is clear from Paul that we are to be justified (made right with God) by our faith. Paul explains that we shall never get to God through our own toil. To do this we would have to be perfect - and which of us is perfect? So we are accepted by God for the same reason that Abraham was. Because we believe in Him and trust Him.

Some might interpret this as an excuse to do no good works.

If all I have to do is believe, then what's the point in being good also - ha ha I'll get to heaven just by believing!

But of course this is far from the truth. We do not do good works in order to win favour from God, we do them because once we have accepted the truth of Jesus we have to accept His teachings. And once we have accepted His teachings we have to act as He would want us to act.

The good works that we do are a natural consequence of our faith - they do not oppose our faith, they grow out of it.

God bless you - N

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