Tuesday, August 23, 2005

C S Lewis

It has been a while since I last posted on my blog.  I have been on a bit of a spiritual journey since then.  Part of this has involved reacquainting myself with the works of C S Lewis.  His work goes in and out of fashion, but the truth of it never diminishes. I believe that The Screwtape Letters was the first book I ever read of his. It was given to me by my late mother (God rest her soul) when I was a teenager.  My mother, by the way, was not a Christian.  Yet she tried, for reasons I don’t clearly understand to make sure that I got some sort of Christian teaching.  She sent me to a Methodist Sunday school, and she occasionally gave me the odd ‘Christian classic’ to read.

My real love for Lewis’s Christian writing was kindled by a book of Lewis quotations that I borrowed from our local library.  It was full of marvellous quotes and insights, and very soon I wanted to read the works that were quoted there.  The first that I chose was Mere Christianity.  The phrase “that book changed my life” is perhaps overused.  But this is true, in my case, of Mere Christianity.  There is something in the tone of Lewis’s writing that makes one feel that he is talking perfect sense.  His 1950s style of discourse has a quality that transcends its era and makes it ‘timeless’.  I would strongly recommend that you read this book if you have not already done so.

At the moment, I am halfway through reading his science fiction trilogy; Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength.  I shall post again when I have finished these to give you an update.


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